Story : (spoilers)
Player goes through the world to level up. After leaving the tutorial town – their stuff gets stolen a main antagonist – the Henchman. This creature is the first in command for an evil creature who was imprisoned ages ago by a spell. The only key to unlocking this evil creature was shattered and its pieces were hidden in several temples throughout the world. Once these keys were reunited the creature would once again be free. The creature could venture into the temples and needed someone- or something to retrieve the pieces for him. The creature is the cause of mutating bugs which it plans to use to retrieve the pieces and reek havok on the world!
With the bugs mutating and becoming more smart – the keys were no longer safe in the temple. Someone needs to grab all the pieces and either hide them – or destroy the creature once and for all!
-The old man, a peaceful grandfather type of character will to the player most of this. The Old man will send you on quests and eventually direct you into getting all of the pieces of the key.
After retrieving all of the parts of the key (this would take at least a few hours), you venture to the castle outside of the city. There the player will confront the Henchman who stole all of the stuff the player choose at the beginning of the game. (We assume the player’s main motive is to get revenge and get their stuff back).
Shortly after killing the henchmen the feeble old man walks down toward the player. The old man explains that the bugs weren’t intelligent enough to bring back the key pieces so he needed to find someone smart enough to complete the task, but dumb enough not to question why (maybe a little to harsh). A large monster bursts from the old man as the evil creature is set free. The user then has to face a large monster.
User Playthrough
- Play tutorial, receive default crossbow
- Clear crypt
- Bring chest from crypt to the locksmith
- Learn how to pick locks
- Return to trainer.
- Select high value item
- OPTIONAL: Help save the farm quest
- Take carriage to the City
- Carriage gets Destroyed on the path to the city by the Henchman boss.
- Character passes out.
- Character regains consciousness to find all the items are missing.
- Go to city and meet the old man (who you will be working for).
- old man explains who henchman is (if the user asks)
- old man explains why bugs have been getting out of hand
- old man sends character to the store to buy basic items
- Work for the old man to pay off debt.
- OPTIONAL: open locks in the city for cash
- <other potential side quests>
- kill the Henchman
- Realize the oldman is the evil Creature
- kill the evil Creature